Your Only Music Dealer
Written politely 2021-03-30.
My Most Recent 3 Liked Songs on Spotify
This is an unedited look at my latest 3 songs I added to my Spotify Liked Songs playlist. I included chords and lyrics for all 3 if you are into musicing yourself.
“Songbirds” by Ben Thornewill
Here is a link to the chords and lyrics.
I just discovered this song in the Discover Weekly playlist in Spotify. It was the only thing this week that caught my ear. Male voice and piano, mostly. This has a personal feel, like you could see Ben Thornewill playing this in a coffee shop and really getting into it. The vocal melody is smooth legato with a sweetness to his voice that reminds me at the very beginning of Billy Joel.
“On the Way Home” by John Mayer
Here is a link to the chords and lyrics.
This song holds a special place in my past. I was living in North Syndey, Australia when this album came out in 2013. It was the last track on the album, which always holds a special spot on a good album.
I related to it because it was my third year living abroad and I never realized how isolated from the rest of your life in America you could be until I lived there. I have some great friends from my time living down under and have nothing but great things to say about Aussies. But living in the opposite season, the opposite time, and for 16 hours a day, living the next day from your American home, could be really tough. It was an amazing experience and one that taught me more about my own country than I expected. But when this album came out, we were getting ready to move back to America. So I was really jazzed about this song “On the Way Home” to America.
“I Can’t (Acoustic)” by Caitlyn Smith
Here is a link to the chords and lyrics.
Caitlyn Smith is one of my favorite current female singers(artists). She could sing anything and I would get dreamy eyes just listening. Her passion is a sight to behold and to hear. Seeing her play and sing this song (or anything else I have seen her in) is a lot of fun.
It is a great song to play and sing as well. The chords are simple. I really like how she plays an F major chord on her guitar, which most people hate playing and find very difficult. She leaves off the bass note F (typically played by barring the first finger over the first fret) and puts the C on the 5th (A) string as the bass (x-3-3-2-1-1). So, technically it is an F/C chord (an F chord with C as the lowest sounding pitch). It leads back to a C chord (x-3-2-0-1-0) really well. Anyways, the song is a lot of fun to play and sing, or either of those by themselves (play the chords, or play/sing the melody).
Share in the comments if you have a story to share about any of these songs.
I want to be your only music dealer.

Husband, father, teacher, musician, avid gamer, nature enthusiast, and passionate about the human condition.